

Czech-Style Pilsner

Colour: Golden

ABV: 4.8%

Suggested Glassware: Krug

Tasting Notes: Láska, which means love in Czech, is a perfect representation of our love and respect for Czech-style lagers and the next step in our exploration of traditional styles with our modern twist. You can expect a higher alcohol and more body than our 10° Czech-Style Lager, Zenit, while still remaining just as balanced and crushable. Based off of the OG pilsner, we utilized an enhanced decoction mash using Bohemian pilsner malt, leaving the beer with a higher level of sweetness to balance the massive charge of Czech Saaz hops. It pours a golden honey, with a quaffable head of foam from natural carbonation. Bask in aromas and flavours of wintergreen, wildflower honey and graham cracker with subtle orchard fruit and green tea character from the expressive yeast profile. This beer is our love letter to the Czech Republic, the birthplace of pilsners.

Release Date: January 2025